Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Sample of What We've Been Learning...

We enjoyed exploring the wood pieces we will eventually be using to make letters,

 Decorating the first letter of our names,

Making apple pie during our "Apples" theme,

Anxiously waiting for the pies to bake!

 Putting the apples into our pie shells,

Enjoying the finished product, yum! 

Counting with Apple Jacks,

searching for letters in the rice

and matching the letters,

Sorting Alphabits cereal into piles - letters in our name
and letters not in our name,

Making our first and last initial cookies!
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4K Is Fun!

We're been having a great time together in school!  Here are some pictures of what we've been up to, enjoy!

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A Tour of Our Room 2012-2013

Welcome to the Alto Reformed Church 4K Classroom!

This is our "ABC Center" where students have the opportunity
read, play alphabet games, and  use a variety of materials to
develop their pre-reading and reading skills.  It's also a cozy
place to relax and unwind!

This is our "Pretend" center.  Here, students use their imaginations
while playing in the kitchen, taking care of babies, dressing up,
and doing laundry.  Materials in the center are kept pretty simple
at the beginning of the year, but as new skills are learned, items
added.  Students also expand their literacy and math
skills when they write shopping lists, use the cash register to check
classmates out of the store, dial numbers on the phone, and a variety
of other activities added throughout the year.
This is our meeting area where we sit several times a day.
Most of our large group instruction happens here.  Students
are taught "Rug Rules" when they sit on the rug. Ask your child
what that means!
The "Block Center"
The "Art/Writing Center."  Here, students use a veriety of
wtiting instruments to draw, color, create, and learn.  Each day
crayons, makers, shape and alphabet punches, envelopes, blank
books, stamps and ink pads, stationary, paper, glue, scissors,
and more are available to encourage kids to draw, write,
and explore their creative side.  Throughout the year, word
cards will also be introduced for students who are interested in
and ready for more traditional writing and copying.  This center
is always a favorite!
Student Cubbies
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