Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Today we started our Pumpkins theme.  This is such a fun one! 

We played a game called, "Please Pass the Pumpkin" where the kids have to pass the paper pumpkin to each other using clothes pins, no hands!  This is a great way to strengthen the muscles in our hands that we use to color and write.

We made "pies" with Pumpin Pie playdough,

We started learning the fingerplay, "5 Little Pumpkins,"

and we read a non-fiction book about the life-cycle of pumpkins, using props to help us learn how pumpkins grow.

We practiced out cutting skills when we cut out a "seed packet" and paper pumpin seeds that we would use for a sequencing activity later on during stations,

 we enjoyed exploring a new fall sensory tub.

and we learned about the sound the letter P makes and listed different words that begin with the same sound. We learned the tounge twister "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers," and practiced making P's with our long line and short curve.

During stations (when we have several activities set up around the room that kids rotate through), we 
practiced writing numbers and putting events in the right order with Mrs. Tenpas,

we practiced writing P's and making small curves with Mrs. Greenfield,

we strengthened our fine-motor skills by tracing  "Pete" the turtle,

we sorted pumpkin buttons by their small. medium, or large size,

 and we read books and worked on a scarecrow puzzle.

We didn't have time to finish our rotation, so we'll have to finish up on Wednesday.  We had a busy day today!

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